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Topics - Baloran

Firmwares updates, manuals / Version 1.63 for test
February 06, 2025, 11:19:59 PM
For validation,
  • This version improves the name editor in the SAVE function. You can now move the cursor, insert characters etc....
  • It adds a "SHOW ALERT" system parameter. Set to "ON", as soon as a sound is modified, the INIT, PANEL, RAND and LOAD functions generate a warning. In the SAVE function, a warning confirms the replacement of an existing file.
  • Effects modulation via card 1 has been improved.
  • A nice bug on the VCF4 when activating the F envelope has been corrected. 
  • Noise color is better managed in A2D, no longer leaving a noise even when the NOISE slider is set to 0.
  • Cursor blocking in A2D has been corrected. 
Pour validation,
  • Cette version améliore l'éditeur de noms dans la fonction SAVE. On peut déplacer le curseur, inserer des caractères etc....
  • Elle ajoute un paramètre system "SHOW ALERT". Défini sur "ON", dès qu'un son est modifié, les fonctions INIT, PANEL, RAND, LOAD génèrent un avertissement. Dans la fonction SAVE, un avertissement permet de confirmer le remplacement d'un fichier existant.
  • La modulation des Effets via la carte 1 a été amélioré.
  • Un joli bug sur le VCF4 aund on active l'enveloppe F a été corrigé. 
  • La couleur du Noise est mieux gérée dans A2D, elle ne laisse plus un noise meme si le curseur NOISE est amené à 0.
  • Le blocage des curseurs dans A2D a été corrigé. 
I forgot to include the SYS folder in the ZIP file for version 1.60, which should be copied to the SD. There's no need to sync the SDs afterwards.  Without this SYS folder on the SD, the DISPLAY HELPER display for wave mixers is surprising ;)

J'ai oublié de mettre dans le fichier ZIP de la version 1.60 le dossier SYS qui doit être copié sur la SD. Il est inutile de faire ensuite la synchro des SD.  Sans ce dossier SYS sur la SD,  l'affichage du DISPLAY HELPER pour les mixers d'onde est surprenant ;)
Version 1.60 is now available. This is a important release.

  • This update includes dynamic displays for envelopes, filters, wave mixers, mixer, and VCA. In the System menu, the DISPLAY HELPER option allows partial activation or deactivation of these displays.
  • Still in the System menu, enabling the BYPASS FX option deactivates the effects of The Pool, even after loading a sound.
  • The response to the MIDI Program Change command has been improved.
  • In the Option menu, Page 2, the TIME ENV F&M option allows you to multiply the durations of these digital envelopes by 2, 5, or 10.
  • For digital synthesis, reminders for the PARAM, SEMI, and TUNE parameters are now displayed.
  • The MIDI Control Change command 9 (CC 9) controls MORPH 1, while CC 11 controls MORPH 2.
  • Support for Polyphonic Aftertouch keyboards has been improved and deployed on the USB HOST.
  • MPE functionality has been optimized. I'd love to hear your feedback on this. On my end, using a Roli, Linnstrument 128, or Expressive Osmose (OS >2.0 required...), it works very well via both USB and MIDI.
  • Support for the MIDI CC64 command (sustain pedal) has been improved.

Don't forget that is the best place to share your feedback, comments, issues, etc.

Best regards to all of you!


La version 1.60 est maintenant en ligne

  • Elle intègre l'affichage dynamiques des enveloppes, filtres , mixeurs d'ondes, mixer et VCA . Dans le menu System, l'option DISPLAY HELPER permet d'activer ou désactiver partiellement ces affichages.
  • Toujours dans le menu System, l'option BYPASS FX sur ON rend les FXs de The Pool inactifs même après le chargement d'un son.
  • La réponse à la commande MIDI Programm CHange a été amélioré.
  • Dans le menu Option, Page 2, l'option TIME ENV F&M permet de multiplier par 2, 5 ou 10 les durées de ces enveloppes numériques.
  • Dans les synthèses numériques, un rappel des paramètres PARAM, SEMI et TUNE est affiché.
  • La commande MIDI Control Change 9 (CC 9) pilote MORPH 1, CC 11 pilote MORPH 2
  • La prise en charge des claviers Polyphoniques Aftertouch a été améliorée et déployée sur l'USB HOST.
  • Le fonctionnement MPE a été optimisé. J'ai besoin de vos retours à ce sujet. De mon coté, avec un Roli , un Linnstrument 128 ou un Expressive Osmose (OS >2.0 indispensable...) , cela fonctionne très bien tant via USB que par MIDI.
  • La prise en charge de la commande MIDI cc64 (pédale de Sustain) a été améliorée.

N'oubliez pas que le est le meilleur endroit pour partager vos avis, remarques, soucis etc...

Bien à vous tous
Discussions / Morpher 1 and Pedal
January 16, 2025, 09:55:40 AM
MORPHER 2 is mapped to CC11 Midi (Expression).
MORPHER 1 is mapped to CC10 Midi.

If you can modify the Control Change emitted by the pedal connected to your master keyboard, then you can assign the pedal to Morpher 1 instead of Morpher 2.

EDIT: in the next version, MORPHER1 is mapped to CC9 (CC10 is used in DAW for PAN)   
Version 1.54 is now available. This is a important release.
It includes the following updates:
  • removal of all digital noises such as "campfire crackling" ;)

Many thanks to Bodhan for his ears, precision and patience.
In the ZIP file you'll find a PDF file explaining the update procedure.
I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful and creative 2025. 


La version 1.5' est disponible. C'est une version importante.
Elle intègre les modification suivantes :
  • suppression de tous les bruits numériques type "crépitement de feu camp" ;)

Un immense remerciement à Bodhan pour ses oreilles, sa précision et sa patience.
Vous trouverez dans le fichier ZIP un fichier PDF expliquant la procédure de mise à jour.
J'en profite pour vous souhaiter une superbe et créative année 2025. 
Discussions / Flight case for The Pool
January 02, 2025, 11:29:28 AM
I didn't have a specific flightcase designed for The Pool because demand was very limited. So I'm launching a discussion here in case needs have changed.
The price of flightcases has almost doubled in a few years. For The River, I used to be able to get 200€ per copy, but today at this price, I don't even have a basic case for The Pool....
Would you be interested in a dedicated flightcase? Just for transport, or for the flight case itself? Do you have any ideas? 
Discussions / Meilleurs voeux / Best wishes
January 01, 2025, 12:13:25 PM
Meilleurs voeux à tous, que 2025 soit une corne d'abondance infinie pour les plaisirs et la création, la santé et le bien être. En 2025, il y aura des évolutions logicielles de The Pool.
Grace à l'aide Bodyia, que je remercie, dans quelques jours, une mise à jour importante sera mise en ligne : elle apporte une amélioration significative de la qualité du son avec la disparition de plusieurs bruits numériques.

Best wishes to everyone! May 2025 be an endless cornucopia of pleasures and creativity, health, and well-being.
In 2025, there will be software updates for The Pool. Thanks to the help of Bodyia, whom I sincerely thank, an important update will be released in a few days. It brings a significant improvement in sound quality, eliminating several digital noises.

Discussions / USB connexion and noise
December 29, 2024, 07:23:08 PM
I am currently working on the issues detected by Bodyia. This allows me to address another phenomenon, on which, at first glance, I can't do anything within The Pool. ;)

For my tests and diagnostics, I use an Arturia Audiofuse 16RIG sound card, which works quite well for me. It has a USB-C connection to my PC. On another USB port of the PC, I have the connection with The Pool, which allows me to download firmware to test updates. The noise generated by this dual connection is significant and misleading. However, if I disconnect one of the connections, I notice the immediate disappearance of a random, non-clocked noise originating internally in The Pool.

If I use the same USB port for the PC-Audiofuse and PC-The Pool connections by using a smart USB-C hub (Ethernet, Display Port, etc.), there is no more noise.

So, when running tests, please make sure to carefully check the context and conditions to reproduce the issue.
Firmwares updates, manuals / Version 1.50 major release
December 18, 2024, 11:06:41 AM
Version 1.50 is now available. This is a major release.
It includes the following updates:
  • Addition of a Sub Oscillator in the A2D synthesis
  • In the A2D synthesis, addition of a Morphing mode between two wavetables. From my perspective, this is the most enjoyable mode to use with Wavetables: you select the starting timbre, the destination timbre, and modulate the transition between the two. With envelopes, it's incredible! ;)
  • Introduction of microtonality and compatibility with SCALA files. The KEY button now has two functions! ;) Exploring microtonality is like a journey through time and space. It's fascinating.

In the ZIP file, you will find a PDF file explaining the update procedure, along with a SCALA folder to copy onto the microSD of your The Pool. To do this, turn off The Pool, insert the microSD card into your computer, place the SCALA folder (without renaming it) onto the card, reinsert the microSD into The Pool, and turn the device back on. Press the KEY button to verify that the SCALA files are visible in the list.

Updated manuals can be found in the corresponding thread.

Thank you all and happy holidays!  :)


La version 1.50 est disponible. C'est une version majeure.
Elle intègre les modification suivantes :
  • Ajout d'un Sub Oscillateur dans la synthèse A2D
  • Dans la synthèse WT, ajout d'un mode Morphing entre deux tables d'ondes. De mon point de vue, c'est le mode le plus plaisant à utiliser pour les Wavetables: on choisit le timbre de départ, le timbre d'arrivée et on module le passage de l'un à l'autre. Avec les enveloppes, c'est terrible ;)
  • Ajout de la microtonalité et de la compatibilité avec les fichiers SCALA. Le bouton KEY a maintenant deux fonctions ;) Explorer la microtonalité est un voyage dans le temps et dans l'espace. C'est passionnant.

Vous trouverez dans le fichier ZIP un fichier PDF expliquant la procédure de mise à jour ainsi qu'un dossier SCALA à recopier sur la microSD de votre The Pool. Pour cela, éteignez The Pool, mettez la micro SD sur votre ordinateur, déposez le dossier SCALA sans le renommer dessus , remettez la micro SD dans The Pool et remettez The Pool sous tension. Appuyez sur la touche KEY pour vérifier que les fichiers SCALA sont bien visibles dans la liste.
Vous trouverez les manuels mis à jour dans le fil correspondant.

Merci à tous et joyeuses fêtes de fin d'année   :)
Morphing between two waves from two different wavetables.
I'd been missing this function almost from the start. It completely changes the way I use The Pool's Waves. It will be in the next version with microtonal.

Discussions / About MASTER command and noise
December 11, 2024, 11:38:13 PM
The MASTER control on The Pool's panel is misnamed: it is not a typical MASTER control (often a mechanical potentiometer) that attenuates the entire signal output from The Pool.

Instead, it is a VCA control located upstream of the effects unit. Its role is to reduce the overall signal that will be sent into the effect. A programming trick ensures that when the control is near 0, the WET and FX outputs are also set to zero.

As a result, the instrument's inherent noise becomes audible if you connect The Pool to high-gain inputs and use this MASTER control thinking it will attenuate the signal.

You should adjust the input levels on your equipment where The Pool is connected: set them to line level, or even use a PAD at -10dB if necessary.
The sound files you create and save are exclusively stored on the microSD card located at the back of the instrument. If you reorganize these files from your computer, it is not necessary to synchronize the SD cards as long as you have not modified the WT, SF, and LFO folders on the microSD.

If you do modify the WT, SF, or LFO folders, synchronization is required. In this case, it is recommended to use the "All Erase & Copy" function from CARDS SYNC in the System menu, page 2. This function is the most efficient. It formats the microSD of each voice card and copies the WT, SF, and LFO data from the source microSD.

This process takes just over 10 minutes. After 20 minutes, waiting longer will not change anything: if the "please wait" message with a spinning wheel does not disappear, turn off The Pool, wait a few seconds, and turn it back on.

For autotune, the same applies; it lasts 3 minutes, no more. After the audible end of the process, if the "please wait" message with a spinning wheel does not disappear, turn off The Pool, wait a few seconds, and turn it back on. Check if all the cards are correctly tuned, and if necessary, repeat the autotune process. It is very important not to touch anything (keyboard, buttons, etc.) during this procedure.

Versions 1.32 and later should resolve the issue of the "please wait" message not disappearing.

Discussions / Microtonality and Scala files ;)
December 11, 2024, 10:46:44 PM
I've made great progress on microtonality. The results are very satisfying, as is the ergonomics. I don't use the sequencer encoders to modify intervals—it turned out to be a bad idea. After testing, it's not practical at all because many microtonal scales, once mapped to the keyboard, don't use all the semitones. This makes the relationship between the encoder position and the interval being modified very unintuitive.

Instead, I opted for a solution with a mapped keyboard representation on the screen: you select the key to modify or play it on the keyboard and adjust its interval (in cents or fractions) using one or two encoders. It's much more practical this way! :)

Microtonality is channel-specific information. So, it's possible to work with 4 different microtonalities simultaneously in MONO or MIDI mode.

The biggest challenge was ensuring coherence between the analog and digital parts: keeping an instrument "well-tuned" between the digital and analog domains was no easy task. But the result lives up to expectations: the analog part shows nearly the same precision as the digital one.

For now, I'm offering classic mappings from 2 to 36 intervals on the keyboard, with or without filling (to avoid silent notes). I can also add any other mappings you suggest into the code.

Phew! :)

Firmwares updates, manuals / Version 1.32
December 08, 2024, 10:38:27 PM
Version 1.32

All update instructions are included in the compressed file. After installation and thirty minutes after power-up, perform an autotune.

Changes :
- Adds a suboscillator to A2D synthesis. To access the parameters of this SUB Oscillator, from the basic A2D screen press the Next button or press the A2D button a second time. 

- Corrects the Bend curves of digital Oscillators. 

- Increases and corrects the modulation action on digital oscillators (below the TUNE button).

- Corrects the action of envelopes on LFO1 speed modulation.
The next version will include support for Scala files. The frequency control of the digital part had to be optimized for this ;)
Sharing sounds / Infinite pad...
December 04, 2024, 10:04:14 PM
An infinite pad that's always evolving. :)
By adjusting the volume of Digit 2 in Mix 2, or by setting S&H in LFO 1 while increasing its speed, you get other evolutions. I love this pad, I use it while I'm installing the nuts on each front panel or testing the sequencer encoders.
It may be necessary to touch Master or VCA INIT1 or INIT2 to limit saturation in FX.
Firmwares updates, manuals / Version 1.26
November 28, 2024, 01:06:14 AM
Version 1.26

All update instructions are included in the compressed file. After installation and thirty minutes after power-up, perform an autotune.

Changes :
All UNIX system files that are automatically created on the micro SD when using a Mac are ignored. These files previously caused severe malfunctions in The Pool.
A micro SD card in good condition is essential for The Pool to work properly. Simple corruption can cause incomprehensible, ilogical malfunctions. It's a good idea to have a spare micro SD on hand.

On the PC, it's simple.
- Take a new micro SD, 8, 16 or 32 GB if possible.
- If necessary, format it in FAT 32. I say if necessary, because this seems to be the default format for new micro SDs.
- Unzip the file SD LOT2 on the micro SD. This is how the contents of the micro SD should look.

On MAC, I imagine it's the same thing. Also, can any of you confirm this after doing the test?
 It's important not to launch the Card Synchro "All Erase and Copy" function until the micro SD has shown that it's working properly (reading and saving sounds).

Discussions / Mapping Velocity
November 18, 2024, 11:26:47 AM
Interesting question from a customer of The Pool

"I am not sure I understand the velocity sensitivity of The Pool. It seems that none of the presets are velocity sensitive. I have an Arturia KeyStep 37 and a NI Komplete Kontrol S61 connected to The Pool - both are velocity sensitive, but the presets of The Pool are always equally loud - regardless of how hard I press the keys. Now, I could - of course - use velocity to modulate the ENV1 and ENV2 of VCA1 and VCA2. Is that the idea... I mean to make The Pool velocity sensitive?
But then, if it works like this, I have the following issue...
First of all, to keep things simple, I MUTE VCA2. Then, I modulate ENV1 of VCA1 by setting  VELOCITY to 100. But as soon as I change VELOCITY from Off to 1 or 2, or 3, or 4 ... to 100, there is no sound anymore. No matter how hard or soft I press the keys, there is no sound. When I set the value for VELOCITY to -100 (so negative)... it works! A soft press give a loud sound, a hard press gives a soft sound.
Is this a bug, or do I simply not understand something?"

My Replys

"There's no default routing for velocity. It's a modulation source like any other, available in the modulation matrix. If I click the button below FREQ (filter frequency) and set a positive value in the VELOCITY modulation (bottom right), then the filter opening depends on velocity, and in the right direction ;)
I thought I saw several presets with Velocity modulation active.   But I can't find them :D :D
For the volume to be effectively velocity-dependent on output, your solution is a good one. You need to set ENV1 to 40, for example, and the VELOCITY modulation to 100. If you set ENV to Zero, the addition of ENV plus VELOCITY will make it difficult to play at very low velocities, which will be inaudible. It's not as simple as classic routing, but so much more powerful. For example, you can morph velocity by putting positive on one side and negative on the other, at both PANs for example, but also at VCO1 VCO2 etc... You can even assign Velocity to the balance of VCF1 - VCF2 etc...."

"Can you make this test ?
(tested on my KEYSTEP 37)
Press INIT
Mute VCA 2
Set ENV1 to 77
Set VELOCITY to 60 in modulation of ENV1.
77 adapt the minimal level and modulation the dynamique of change ;)"

I just did a little test.
I set FX LEVEL of the reverb to 50
MOD SRC = The Pool Card 1
Velocity adjusts the reverb ;)

Discussions / Scala files
November 18, 2024, 11:21:54 AM
I'm thinking about importing Scala microtonal files into The Pool. Initially via SD, perhaps also via Midi. The SCL file poses no problem, but mapping to "keyboard keys" is more of a pain.
Do you think it would be useful to link a .kbm file (with the same name) to the .scl file, or would a simple automatic mapping algorithm be sufficient? Do you have any ideas on the subject?     
An old-fashioned strings with two filters in series.