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As a Mac user, I still can't overwrite or edit the templates stored on the Riverkey. As far as I know you need the RiverKey Profile Manager, which only exists for PC. If I am wrong, how do I save for example the template 2 (2 Splits 4+4 Voices active), so that this is always the source set to "All" when loading? I have this template nonsensically set to "River". Every time I want to use the computer or an external keyboard, I have to set it manually from "River" to "All". An independent overwrite on the River without software, would complete the device in its self-sufficient function. Were there any firmware-updates? Thanks for your tips!
Do you have a problem with the two pots on the right side of the keyboard? Do they always skip a parameter? Then the command S and the highest "b" on the keyboard (2stp/4stp) will help you.  I have accidentally adjusted this once, so that the two pots suddenly seemed to be defective. Can happen quickly as a beginner, if you just press around. Have fun with the River!
Hello, my pitchbend wheel has no effect on my keyboard playing on the river. When I move it, the pitch does not change. Under "options" "Bandrange" is set to 6. no matter if set to 12, the pitchbend wheel remains without function. since i'm not the pitchbend type, i noticed this only after owning the river-synth for over a year, that i never found a note in the manual explaining the function of the pitch wheel in more detail. where do i activate this bitch wheel??? thanks for any hints!
Discussion (English preferably) / Thanks!
March 30, 2020, 10:57:14 PM
I would like to say thank you that someone took so much time and muse to create this instrument. There are many synthesizers out there, but only a few reach the soul. The River does and it touches you in the right place! The synth engine, the reverb, the chorus (triko) together make a unit that makes a lot of sense and is easy to use. I think it's extraordinary that somebody can do something like this on his own, considering how many employees Moog has, for example! Of course you can't compare apples with pears, but for me the most important thing is how something sounds and there don't seem to be the trained ears in various manufacturers to check that. There's another feature and there's another effect - but does it really sound better or did you just do something for marketing to finally have a sales argument? Either way, the River hit the selling point of the beautiful sound! A modern classic with meaningful contemporary additions without compromising the sound. This allows a composition to be given much more depth and with a thin arrangement the sound alone can speak for itself. Simply beautiful!

Thanks Mr. Baloran :-)
Hello, I'm getting used to it the River more and more. Slowly I'm getting to the Triko. Question: is there a possibility to read the data status? It would be great, of course, if the encoders were touch-sensitive and then immediately indicated the value of the preset. Of course this is not possible :-) Nevertheless - is there a command about shift or something like that? This would make programming easier, especially if existing presets are to be analyzed. You quickly learn what the programmer has done. Thanks for the input!

Is there a way to assign preset names on the river itself? I can't find it in the manual. 
Is it only possible with the PC software? Thank you for your answer!
Here's the shortcut to bring the river back to life: Press down S (Modwhell area) and turn on the Synth. This helped me a lot :-)
Help - I need some Help. Heeeelp :-) L'affichage du milieu n'indique que 100. Plus de fonction après la remise sous tension du Synth. J'ai lu quelque part dans un forum (Gearsluts ?) que si le synthétiseur est remis en marche rapidement après l'extinction, il y a un problème. J'ai ça maintenant. Malheureusement, je ne trouve plus la disquette à ce sujet sur Internet. Merci pour cette rapide clarification. D'ailleurs, j'ai éteint l'appareil parce que le Loudness Release n'a plus réagi après l'avoir activé.

Chères salutations

Bonjour tout le monde, je suis le nouveau propriétaire du synthétiseur et je l'apprécie vraiment ! Le son est vraiment génial. Après 2 bonnes semaines en ma possession, je n'ai malheureusement pas été en mesure de synchroniser l'arpégiateur avec l'horloge midi externe. Chaque fois que j'active l'horloge externe (G5 ou via le menu RiverKey_Global) le synthétiseur refuse son son. Il n'y a plus de son. Si je désactive à nouveau l'horloge externe, l'arpège interne sélectionné fonctionne à nouveau.

Le LFO numérique, quant à lui, reçoit l'horloge midi et se synchronise sur mon AbletonLive. J'ai remarqué un bug ici, que si je veux revenir à l'horloge interne, le LFO ne peut plus être manipulé via le panneau. Pour récupérer cette fonction, je dois éteindre et rallumer le synthétiseur.

Autre chose à propos de l'arpégiateur : En utilisant un clavier externe ou mon AbletonPush2, je ne peux pas m'adresser à l'arpégiateur River, mais je peux jouer des mélodies et enregistrer via midi via push. L'Arpeggiator River n'est-il pas accessible via un clavier externe ? Je ne parle pas de synchronisation à l'horloge midi dans ce cas.

De plus : Si je comprends bien le manuel, le délai d'effet doit aussi être synchronisable avec l'horloge midi externe ou interne. Malheureusement, cela ne fonctionne pas du tout via le menu EFX interne Sync/Delay (potentiomètre 5).

Quelqu'un peut-il m'aider si je fais quelque chose de mal ou si c'est un bogue de l'horloge midi ? Surtout l'arpégiateur que j'adorerais mettre en service et enfin commencer à créer des multis. Merci de votre compréhension :-)

Hello everybody, I am the new owner of the Riverr and really appreciate it! The sound is really great!!! After a good 2 weeks in my possession I was unfortunately not able to synchronize the arpeggiator to the external midi clock. Whenever I activate the external clock (G5 or via RiverKey_Global menu) the synthesizer refuses its sound. No sound comes out anymore. If I deactivate external clock again, the selected internal arpeggio runs again.

The digital LFO, on the other hand, receives midi clock and synchronizes to my AbletonLive. I noticed a bug here, that if I want back to the internal clock, the LFO can no longer be manipulated via the panel. To get this function back, I have to turn the synthesizer off and on again.

Another thing about the arpeggiator: Using an external keyboard or my AbletonPush2 I can't address the river arpeggiator, but I can play melodies and record via midi via push. Is the River Arpeggiator not accessible via an external keyboard? In this case I'm not talking about synchronization to midi clock. Just playing the arpeggiator over external keyboard.

In addition: If I understand the manual correctly, the effect delay should also be synchronizable to the external or internal midi clock. Unfortunately this doesn't work at all via the internal EFX menu Sync/Delay (Poti 5).

Can anyone help me if I'm doing something wrong or if it's a midi clock bug? Especially the arpeggiator I would love to put into operation and finally start creating multis. Thanks for understanding :-)
